
Iggesund Forest has a wider and stronger range of harvester bars than any other manufacturer on the market.

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Harvester bar .404"

Our Blue Line harvester bar .404 is generally used in cut-to-length (CTL) operation, which means, the trees are cut into finished sawn timber and pulpwood lengths. The harvesting equipment consists of a harvester and a forwarder.


Harvester bars 3/4"

Our Blue Line 3/4” bar is generally used in “Full tree operation”, which means, the harvesting of timber, is carried out by a felling machine, for cutting trees, a skidder for pulling the trees to the roadside, and a delimber or a processor.


Harvester bars SPRAY

Iggesund Forest Stump Treatment bars. These are used to spray stump treatment fluid (Urea), directly onto the tree stump during the cutting process.


Harvester Chain

A great saw bar needs a great chain! We offer high quality chains that are easy to maintain. 



We also have drive sprockets, nose sprockets, coloring and products for chain maintenance!